Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tiredness - a cruel irony

The two things you need most when bringing up a baby, I think: a sense of humour and the ability to make decisions.

It just so happens that these are the things you lose first when you're tired.

Oh cruel irony!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Emotional rollercoaster

I'm not sure if this blog post will make sense, but it might make sense to other parents who remember having 3 or 4 month old first babies.

I've been spending the last 5 minutes sitting at my laptop trying to remember what I was going to post about today. At 2am, awake because Claire and I were trying to find some painkillers, I had an idea... but I can't remember it now.

So instead I'm going to type the first 20 words that come into my head when I think about how I feel about being a parent. I'm not going to edit them or think about them in advance - just type.

You'll have to trust me on this one of course. So here goes.

Help. Fascination. Tired. Bleary. Smiles. Playing. So. Cute. Routines. Trust. Confusion. End. Stamina. Coffee. Night. Sleep. Confusion. Advice. Doctors. Isolated. Work. Concentration. Hope. Love. Couple. Time. Parents. Books. Chores. Money.

OK well that's 30, not 20. But I just went until I started thinking.

And I notice I wrote "Confusion" twice. I think that's quite telling.