Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's all for Oscar

I've become a bit of a connoisseur of TV for small children over the past few months. We don't watch very much of it at all, but most days CBeebies will be on for a half hour or so.

And what a delight. I suppose it's a very common thing for parents to say, but I get a shot of guilty pleasure from watching some of these programmes with little O. Until today the tippety-toppest for me was "In The Night Garden...". This is a programme so strange it makes Teletubbies look like Newsnight Review. But it's brilliant. Plus of course it's narrated by Derek Jacobi, and there's nothing cooler than listening to creaky thesp intoning things like "Here comes the Ninky Nonk! Iggle Piggle is taking a ride on the Ninky Nonk."

And so it held a special place in my heart ... until... Shaun the Sheep.