Monday, August 07, 2006

Oscar doesn't know it's Sunday

Yesterday morning I found myself going out for a run. As I walked briskly down our street (it's always important to warm up properly, as we all know) and started my jog, I noticed how quiet everything was.

Not a car. Not a plane (we live quite near Heathrow). A couple of elderly people walking their dogs in the park - that was it.

And then I realised that most normal people are still in bed - or at least indoors - at 8.30am on a Sunday. I'd already been up for 3 hours, so it felt almost like lunchtime...Oscar, unfortunately, doesn't know when it's Sunday. Or he does, and he's getting us back for something bad we've done...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Soggy the Rabbit

Oscar is a light sleeper.

But one thing that certainly helps him hurdle over the gates to the land of nod is his little rabbit comforter. We've taken to naming it Soggy. Why? Because Oscar loves nothing better than to chew it, dribble on it, and posset on it. And the smellier it gets, the more he seems to like it...

Thank goodness saliva has antiseptic qualities, or I think we'd have a functioning civilisation growing in Soggy's folds by now.