Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Learn what you can from others...and then ignore it?

As prospective parents, my wife and I have been on the receiving end of a lot of advice and ideas from all and sundry. It seems that everyone (man or woman) that we've spoken to has their own particular view, that has almost nothing in common with the others.

For example - it's possible that we'll go for a home birth - and it seems that in some people's eyes, that makes us devils-incarnate. The implication (never stated, as that would be un-British) has sometimes quite clearly been that only by taking advantage of every possible medical assistance/intervention, are you doing justice to your unborn.

The truth seems to be (and it's not surprising) that each mother or father's own experience of childbirth shapes their opinion of what is good, and what is bad. The trouble with this is that it's only a small minority that appears to recognise, deep down, that every birth experience is different.

I know this is hardly earth-shattering insight. But for any prospective new Dad out there - my advice: listen to what everyone has to say (and everyone will say something opinionated, even if not asked ;-) and take it in - but when it comes to supporting your partner and thinking about what you both want to do, be prepared to forget what everyone else says and go with your own instincts.

It's not their baby, it's yours.

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