Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Nothing especially good, or bad, lasts for long

I spent a few hours with my old friend Richard the other weekend, and his partner and little boy. He told me that the only piece of parenting advice he'd been given (by another old friend of mine as it happens) which turned out to be any good, was:

"Nothing especially good, or bad, lasts for long."

Just as it seems things can't go on like they are for much longer (incessant screaming for no apparent reason, for example), things invariably get better.

And the flipside: just when you're feeling smug because something has worked out particularly well (a particularly smooth feeding session, for example) - it'll all come crashing down ;-)

I think I'll engrave this on something prominent...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a Father of two, I have some hard talk for fathers to be. At the moment, if you are out for a sea-side stroll, trip and fall into a rather choppy sea, your wife will scream "Darling" and jump in to rescue you.
Once you have a child, and are on the same walk, and rather carelessly trip and fall (with your child) into the sea, your wife will scream "idiot" at you and jump in to rescue her child. You will be left to fend for yourself. The more children, the furhter down the pecking line you go.
This takes time to get used to, but the thing to remember, when you start to feel depressed about it, is that this is how it should be!