Thursday, November 02, 2006

Testing, testing

Am I fated to start every post off by thinking "agh, I can't believe how slack I've been in posting to this blog"? If you're going to do something, do it well, as my old Dad used to say (well he's not all that old, really - and I'm not sure he ever said that, precisely, but I think it's something he subscribed to).

Oh well. Onwards and upwards. I'm going to make a very low-key commitment to myself to post to this blog once a week from now on. Let's see if I fail (or at least how long it takes me to fail...)

So to the purpose of the post!

My lovely sister-in-law Lucy was over staying with us a few weeks back and she happened to notice the box in which little Oscar's organic baby weetabix come in. On the side the marketing blurb proudly proclaims:
We certify this product 100% organic, and subject it to 265 rigorous tests.

(Or something very much like that). Which really made us think. What, precisely, would those tests be? Would the manufacturer:
  • fire them at aeroplane windscreens?

  • hold them over a bunsen burner to see what colour the flame went?

  • drop them off the top of office blocks?

  • put them in the passenger seat of a car, and set off the airbags?

  • put them in a wind tunnel to determine their drag coefficient?

Any suggestions gratefully received!

1 comment:

Nic said...

Perhaps they put them in a machine that puts them into a bowl and takes them out again, rather like that drawer-opening-and-closing-machine in IKEA?

Or maybe it's not that sort of test at all. Maybe it's subjected to the full spectrum of all available GCSE exams?

Mind you, it did say rigorous...